Lightweight, thin and appealing extra layers of protection without any foundation are referred to as the curtain walling system. Transom, mullions, vision glass, and anchor are the components of curtain walls that form this full-fledged system. These all support the dead weight of the curtain wall and make it highly usable. Usually made of glass and aluminium, curtain walling is the need of the hour for the business spaces and showrooms. It is more like an additional skin for the building exteriors that people appreciate and consider professional.
This installation is meant to safeguard the interior as well as exteriors and making the building’s façade highly impressive. This is of two types mainly- unitized curtain wall and stick system curtain wall. Both of these walls made by expert manufacturers are designed in a way to carry their own weight. These designs and external layering are sturdy enough to handle bad weather conditions as well as other types of external strains like- earthquake & fire. At least, this installation gives the people inside enough chance to leave before something hazardous happens. Today in this blog, we will refer to the second type of curtain wall, which is a stick system curtain walling, and its benefits.
This system is ideal for low-rise buildings and is delivered to the site of construction as the individual parts. It’s interlocking of distinct parts takes place at the building site, which makes the transportation process super-feasible. This assembling and sealing of the stick-built system takes more time than the unitized curtain walling system. The stick system curtain wall is referred to the factory-cut mullions and the loose-bars-like transoms in the form of stick transported to the building site for the fixation. This type of curtain walling is highly suitable for the sites requiring large volumes of pre-fabricated panels and availability of significant labor. This solution is quite affordable in such a scenario and business owners opt for a stick-built curtain walling system in this case.
Benefits of Stick-built curtain walling system
- This system involves more client involvement as 30 percent of the work is done at the factory and 70 percent is done at the construction site, which leads to more client satisfaction.
- This type of curtain walling is more economical than the other type.
- It is suitable for the low-rise angular as well as complex facades.
- This system is quite flexible and versatile as the sequence of the installation can be changed on-site.
- Easy transportation is possible for the stick-built components in small units.
- The fabricators involved in the manufacturing process of the stick-built system are less specialized than the unitized curtain walling.
Now you know why to pick up stick-built system curtain walling for your shop or low-rise building, go ahead with the purchase and installation of this useful external layer for the professional outlook of your commercial space & avail the endless various benefits.